Meet The Team

Del: Owner/Lead guide
Del Brought the 4x4 driving school to Ty rhiw farm in 2016,
Del found his passion in off roading after buying his first land rover and since then he has participated in and helped run, some of the counties premier off road events. Delbuilds custom built Land Rover comp safari racers. And Currently they race in the BritPart pioneer4x4 AWDC championship.
Keep an eye on their progress on sky channel 431 Frontrunner or amazon prime
Martin: Guide/ farm owner
After having bought Ty Rhiw Farm in 1999 (the now home of 4x4 Driving School) Martin was looking for a diverse use for the 40 acres of former oak woodland and the surrounding woodland. After arranging to rent the site to the Glamorgan Off Road Club to hold a 4X4 Trial Comp the future was set for numerous 4X4 and motorbike clubs to use this great site for competitions and individuals to practice their off road driving skills.
Dai:- Guide
Dai has been part of the team since the early stages, his calm and collected attitude works great with nervous customers. He is a great Guide and loves to reassure. You'll rarely see him without "Lenny" his white boxer.. but it's hard to tell who loves the mud more! If your stuck in the mud.. there's no one better to talk you out!
Dai- Mechanic/Guide
Dai's been using the farm for years, Marshalling and competing in off road events and is always bringing a new toy that he's build from scratch up to play in! He Became the school lead mechanic to help Del maintain the fleet. By Day he works for a Bus company and his work is regularly checked by DSA (previously VOSA) he's what we like to call the Diesel Doctor!! The 4x4 school are proud to support Dai this year, as his race team, Dirty Derv Racing are currently winning class 4 in the AWDC Britpart Safari Championship!! ​​
BIG CHRIS: Guide/Car builder
BIG Chris joined the team in 2021. Chris has over 35 years 4x4 Driving experience as an ex offroad Champion driver back in the 20's :) if theres anyone you want with a cool head to get you out of a tricky hole.. its the big man!
Kieran: Guide
Kieran will help you tackle the mountain.. he also races off road so knows his stuff and can show you the best lines on some of the trickiest tracks! Kieran is currently competing in the britpart championship under the 4x4 driving school banner! Flying the flag for the team!!
Paula - Guide
Apart from helping you around the mountain, Paula is well known for keeping the customers happy with her homemade cakes. Paula and Big Chris have over 30+ years experience off roading and there is nothing neither of them dont know.
Elouise - Guide
Elouise is also currently competing in the 2023 Britpart Championship. Elouise also drives a lovely clean example of a TD5.